Loving my local library

The first visit I stayed safely in the fiction section, where I managed to pick up several books I was wanting to read, including the next C J Sanson books. Last weekend I ventured further back into the depth of the library, and explored the Cookery and Craft sections.
The library turns out to have a great selection of sewing books. Couture Sewing Techniques is fascinating, if a little terrifying. I think I probably need a bit more practice at the hand sewing before I am quite at this level. I've also already lined up a couple of sewing projects, and started one, from Sewn Spaces, more details to follow.
I was also tempted by the fine selection of baking books, I've been watching the Great British Bake Off and it always makes me want to bake. I found both the recipes I made from the Hummingbird Bakery Cake Days to be very sweet. The apple crumble cake was nice, if a bit over sweet, but both the boyfriend and I found the plum cup cakes much to sweet to enjoy. Although, this didn't seem to bother my work mates who wolfed down the whole plate in the blink of an eye!
I had more success with Baking Made Easy, although not the bread recipes which both turned out a bit dry. However, the chocolate chip cookies were really good, as they should be given the ingrediences list. The recipe states the mixture will make 8 cookies, now I used the ingredients stated and made nearly three times as many cookies, and they seemed pretty big to me.
Great British Bake Off has cost me a fortune in eggs, butter and sugar!