Sew for Victory Challenge

I was really excited to see that Rochelle over at Lucky Lucille has organised a 1940s sew along, called Sew for Victory. The plan is for participants to undertake a 1940s original/inspired sewing project during February and March. 

I've had a 1940s pattern in my stash for ages, which I have wanted to try but have been a little frightened of starting. Its a UK 12 which in theory should fit, but UK 12 were a bit different back then and I'm going to need to grade up the pattern. I've not done this before, so is a bit daunting, but I hope this challenge is what I need to get me started.

I was given the pattern a few years ago, when someone who had been clearing out an elderly friend's house turned up at my knitting group with some wool and patterns she had found, and had no use for. I was the only person there who could sew, so I took the small number of sewing patterns.

I think the pattern is really cute, especially the short sleeved version, and I love the lace collar and cuffs. There is no date on my pattern packed, but I thought it looked 1940s. I thought I'd look on Vintage Pattern Wiki (a truly fascinating site) to see if I could fine out any more. Huh! What do I find? Its from 1939! Grrr!

Well, I'm going to hope I can get away with it - I can just say I am a little behind the fashionable times, right?

Now, given my recent discovery of the extent of my stash I'd better make it out of fabric I already have. The most suitable fabric I could find was this, it even describes itself as 'vintage'!

What do you think? Will it work?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the pattern and the fabric! Yes, a 1939 pattern is perfectly okay because it does look VERY 40's! :) I plan to post a bunch of links to help people with vintage patterns and grading, but in the mean time I hope this link helps to get you started:

  3. This tutorial is a little more straight forward actually:

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, and the advice on pattern grading. I had a go last night, and am now ready to make a muslin and see how well it worked :)


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